Friday, March 23, 2012

March update

NBL Line with the boosted transfer landing on the right and the old last berm missing. New landing on left for not transferring and future easier line to be named.
New lip in NBL Line after transfer set.
The start of the new hipped left landing before heading into the planned big right berm / jump "shark fin" in the NBL Line.

The Roller Line is ready for some jibbing and the winter digging on it is drying out nicely.

Contest Line, Geronimo, Revolver.

Hip landing berm thing has seen some much needed love.

Roller Line berm between Revolver's ready to go 3rd set.

It has been a while since a real update on the trails, but that's because works been getting done at the trails. It was an awesome winter for getting digging done at the trails and Brad and me got more done then we were hoping for. Everything is untarped right now trying to soak up whatever water the jumps can find. The place is drying out quickly and a plan is in action to build a reservior near the center of the trails to store water transferred from the creek. We are betting on an extremely dry spring and summer, because of the dry winter and planning on doing what we need to do to have dialed trails no matter what rain we get.

Roller Line is raked out and ready to ride in. The Main Line is raked out to the long-n-low and buttering is taking place. The Left Lines need some work, but can be going quickly.

Our weekday trail local from Cleveland has been putting in a lot of work. Dan P. has the newly renamed Revolver Line looking the best it ever has. If he can find a bike, I think it is ready to be sent up through the 4th set then onto un-charted territory on the 5th and 6th set.

Get to the trails, you're a couple 100 wheel barrow loads behind before you can ride. Just kiddin', get to the trails and enjoy the weather. Blog updates should start becoming regular again. Get on your bikes and ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shit looks dialed and freaking awesome. I wish I could be home more guys.